Gorgeous Vaultgirl Savegame 1.00

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Gorgeous Vaultgirl Savegame by Cedaie

Over three hours went into this face and the difficulty that is Character Generation, I
hope you enjoy! biggrin

This Save-game starts immediately after Character Generation, no story progression beyond that.


Place this save file where your others are located, (Default is My Documents/My Games/Fallout4/Saves).

Note: This folder may not exist if you haven't done a first time startup of the game.


I should have this bug squished, but when you pick up the Pip-Boy before exiting the Vault and it appears the camera is really zoomed in:

While in first person or viewing the Pip-Boy, Press the ~ key (Left of the 1 key; English keyboards) for the console and type:

FOV 90

Press enter and it will reset the Field of View for the pip boy.

This bug happened because of extra face editing that was done after the intro. If you want to make some changes to the face, I recommend waiting until you exit the Vault and it gives you that option.

If you want to modify your face later in the game, you can use the following steps:
Press ~ to bring up the console and type:

SLM player

Close the console with ~ and press B to view the body, the camera will fix itself and once you return to the face, the camera will do as intended.
Once you're happy with the changes, press DONE, and hit right mouse button to fix the camera.
You will have to do the FOV trick above if your Pip-Boy is zoomed in.

Otherwise, Enjoy! XD

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